Bunions are one of the most frustrating foot problems people can have. Genetics and pre-existing medical conditions can cause a bunion to develop. Most commonly, bunions are found on the big toe, but they can also develop on the pinky toe. Treating the bunion when it first develops is key to preventing it from worsening. In some cases, they can be treated with conservative methods such as shoe gear modification, padding, and foot orthotics. If these treatments fail, surgery is often recommended to restore the function of the toe and foot. There are several surgical procedures that correct bunions.
At West Texas Foot & Ankle Associates, our podiatrists have all the proper knowledge and tools to treat even the most complex bunion cases. During your consultation, we will examine the severity of the bunion, review X-rays, and discuss the overall goals of the surgical procedure to determine if surgery is right for you. First and foremost, our podiatrist will explain the procedure and recovery process to ensure you’re comfortable with the process, as oftentimes, surgery will require cutting and repositioning the first metatarsal or great toe.
Bunion surgery takes less than an hour, and general anesthesia is used to prevent you from feeling anything throughout the procedure. During most types of bunion surgery, the podiatrist will make an incision near the big toe joint, remove the swollen tissue, shift or cut out a piece of the bone, and then realign one or more bones using wires and screws.
Once completed, you may experience pain for about 24-48 hours. During this period, it’s important to take any medications as prescribed to prevent pain from worsening. It takes about 12 weeks for the bones in your foot to heal properly. Therefore, it’s best to schedule this type of surgery when you plan to be off your feet for the most part.
West Texas Foot and Ankle Associates | 432.755.0540 | 432-520-FEET | Toll Free: 866-456-2888
1913 Heritage Blvd., Midland, TX 79707
Serving Midland, Odessa, Andrews, Pecos, Big Spring, Fort Stockton, TX & Surrounding Areas.