WARNING! Cortisone injections may cause plantar plate rupture, which can result in the formation of a hammertoe. A steroid (cortisone) injection gives only temporary relief and may mask the pain, leading to further nerve damage. However, diagnostic injections of a local anesthetic are safe and may be very beneficial for proper diagnosis.
Endoscopic Decompression (a new surgical technique)
Endoscopic decompression of inter-metatarsal nerve is a new surgical technique developed by Dr. Barrett in 1994 to permanently correct neuroma pain in a less traumatic manner. This technique allows for a quicker recovery and a faster return to normal activity than traditional surgical techniques. Specially designed instrumentation is utilized that allows the surgeon to directly visualize the foot structures on a video screen through two small (less than ¼”) incisions in the foot. The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting. Most patients can bear weight immediately after surgery and return to tennis shoes the day after surgery. Everyone heals differently. Factors such as age, weight, circulation, and occupation contribute to healing times.
If you are looking for a reliable neuroma treatment or would like to learn more about this technique, we encourage you to contact the podiatrists at West Texas Foot & Ankle today! We proudly serve patients in Midland, Odessa, Pecos, Andrews, Big Spring, Monahans, TX, and the surrounding communities.
West Texas Foot and Ankle Associates | 432.755.0540 | 432-520-FEET | Toll Free: 866-456-2888
1913 Heritage Blvd., Midland, TX 79707
Serving Midland, Odessa, Andrews, Pecos, Big Spring, Fort Stockton, TX & Surrounding Areas.